
Se fana Albertan
Albertan stede on Canadan

Alberta is underrīce þāra felda in Canadan. Hēo gebyrdþ norþne þa Norþƿest Landscipas, ƿestne Bryttisc Columbia, eastne Sascatceƿan, and suþne þæt rīce Montane þāra Geānedan Rīca American. Albertan hēafodstōl is Edmonton, ac sēo burg hæfþ Calgares þā mǣstan lēode.

Ðis land on 1 Hāligmōnþes 1905 underrīce ƿearþ. His nama is of Louise Caroline Alberta Æþelice se ƿæs Uictoria Cƿēne dōhtor be hiere rihtƿere Ælfbeorhte Æþelinge, forðæm ðe Louise Hlæfdige rihtƿer Iohannes Campbell, 9. Heretoga of Earragalle ƿæs Gemǣne Rīca of Canadan.

Wiki letter w Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge hire helpan.

Louise Caroline Alberta

Underrice and landscipas Canadan
Underrīce Alberta • Bryttisc Columbia • Eadweardes Æþelinges Iegland • Manitoba • Niw Brunswic • Niwe Scotland • Niwgefundenland and Labrador • Ontario • Quebec • Sascatcewan
Landscipas Geocon • Norþwest Landscipas • Nunavut

Alberta - Ogłoszenia lokalne