

Weald in Angolan
Angolan stede
Angolan stede
Heafodstol Luanda
Brego João Lourenço Foresittend
Bradnes 1,246,700 km²
Feoh kwanza
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC+01:00, Africa/Luanda
Wægnplatung ANG
Webbnamena tægl .ao
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande +244

Angola is land on suðwesternum Affrice. Be suþen him is Namibia and be norþen him Congoland. Sambia lið eastweard geond wealdum and his westdal is on Westsæ þæm garsecge.

Þis rices heafodstol is Luanda (se wæs São Paulo de Loanda). Of þæm siextienoðum gearhundrede oð 1975 wæs þes rim and his land Portugalisc landrice.

Land on Affrice

Algeria  • Angola  • Benin  • Botsƿana  • Burkina Faso  • Burundi  • Camerun  • Cead  • Cenia  • Cibuti  • Comorosrice  • Congoland  • Congoisce Cyneƿīse  • Elpendbānrīma  • Gabon  • Sēo Gambia  • Ghana  • Grēnenæs Īega  • Guinea  • Guinea-Bissau  • Guinea ðæs Emnihtes Circules‎  • Lesotho  • Liberia  • Libia  • Madagascar  • Malaƿi  • Mali  • Mauritania  • Mauritius  • Mosambice  • Middel Affricanisc Cyneƿīse  • Morocco  • Namibia  • Nigerland  • Nigeria  • Rƿanda  • Sambia  • Simbabƿe  • Sanctus Tomas and Principe  • Segscelliega  • Senegal  • Sierra Leone  • Sigelhearƿenaland  • Sōmalaland  • Sudan  • Sūðaffrica  • Sūþsudan  • Swasaland  • Tansania  • Togo  • Tunisia  • Uganda  • Ǣgypt  • Æriþrea

Angola - Ogłoszenia lokalne