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Bises is gear hwærin hæfþ Solmōnaþ nigon and twēontig dagas, ne eahta and twēontig. Bises geboden weorþe ælcum feorþan geare.

In þære Gregoriscan gerīmbēc sind bises ælcum feorþan geare, þa is þæs geares gerīm in feower dælum gedælendlic, būton æt þæm gearhundrede endmeste gear, and in swilcum gearum bises is þa þæs geares gerīm in feower hundred dælum gedælendlic.) Þȳ wæs 2000 bises ac 1900 næs.)

Sēo Iulianisce gerīmbōc hædde bises ælcum feorþan geare gemænelīce. Sēo Gregorisce gerīmbōc hit āwendede forþæm wæs sēo gerīmbōc ne ābad mid sunnan tīdum.

Bises wæs on Rōmwarum "bissextilius annis", se is "gear þæs twafeald siexta", forþæm getealde man tūwa þone siexta dæg ærre id' Solmōnaþe.

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