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Bosporos onmiddan landum

Bosporos (Crēacisc: Βόσπορος, Turcisc: İstanbul Boğazı), is nearuness sēo iernþ of Euxinus and Proponditis. Constantinopolis stent on his ƿesternum strande. Bosporos is dǣl þæs mearces betƿeonum Turclandes Europiscum dǣl (Tracia) and his Asiscan dǣl (þe is sēo Lǣsse Asia). Ðeos bedǣlung betƿuh Tracie and Anatolie is of þrim ƿæterƿegum: Bosporos, Proponditis and Ellaspontus, hie sindon merestrēam of Egiscum SǣEuxinus.

Bosporos is ƿorulde nearƿeste ƿǣgfaru for sǣfōrum betƿeonum landum. Hē is ælmæst 19 mīla lang and 2,297 fēt brād æt his nearƿestum stede.

Tƿa brycga ofercierraþ Bosporos.

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Bosporus AF የቦስፖሮስ ወሽመጥ AM Bosforo AN البوسفور (مضيق) Arabic البوسفور ARZ Bósforu AST Bosfor AZ ایستانبول بوغازی AZB Босфор BA Басфор BE

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