替代性制裁犯罪矫正管理剖析软件(英語:Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions,简称COMPAS),是一款由Northpointe公司开发并所有的法律案例管理和决策支持系统,美国法院系统借助这一系统评估案件被告成为累犯的可能性。这一软件的评分后被曝光对非裔美国人存在偏见,引导法官给予更严厉的判罚,由此成为算法偏见的经典案例。[1][2][3]
- ^ Sam Corbett-Davies, Emma Pierson, Avi Feller and Sharad Goel. A computer program used for bail and sentencing decisions was labeled biased against blacks. It's actually not that clear.. The Washington Post. October 17, 2016 [January 1, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-12).
- ^ Aaron M. Bornstein. Are Algorithms Building the New Infrastructure of Racism?. Nautilus. No. 55. December 21, 2017 [January 2, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-01-03).
- ^ 刘文炎,沈楚云,王祥丰,金博,卢兴见,王晓玲,查宏远,何积丰. 可信机器学习的公平性综述. 软件学报. 2021, 32 (05): 1404-1426.
- ^ Kirkpatrick, Keith. It's not the algorithm, it's the data. Communications of the ACM. 2017-01-23, 60 (2): 21–23. S2CID 33993859. doi:10.1145/3022181 (英语).