
Precinct be burhmiddle

Cofentreo (Nīƿenglisc: Coventry) biþ burh on Englalande, geleged be scīre Ƿestmidlanda and hēo ligeþ neoðanƿeard þæs Beormingahāmes byrig. Hire gehāl folcgetæl biþ ymbe þām 305,000 burhƿarum bufan, folgiende sume sōcn fram þǣm 2002. gēare.

Sīþþan þǣm 1345. gēare biþ Cofentreo ambihtlīce tō byrig genamod, and hēo for mænigum gēarum ƿæs sumne hēafodstede æt searucræft- and fæsthafolgeƿeorcum ; and þæt ƿæs racu þǣrfor ƿearþ Cofentreo gecoren of þǣm Nazium sƿā scytte þāra ƿierstan fȳræggemōtum þæs Ōþru Ƿoruldōrleges. Be þǣm 1955. gēare ƿearþ Cofentreo sƿā Burh Europan gecoren.

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