

Corcaig is burg be Īrlandes sūðrim, in scīre benaman Corcaigscīr. Hiere nama is of ðæm Scyttiscgaelisce gereord þærin corcach mǣnð 'fenn'. Þēos ceaster is sēo mǣste burg þǣre Īriscan Cynewīsan æfter Difelin. Hē is ceapmanna hȳð.

Se burgmiddel is īeg betwuh twǣm ǣdrum þǣre ēa sēo hēt Lēah. Þās ǣdras aweallaþ in miclum byht sēo is Corcaiges hæfn, and man secgþ þe Mahonlūh and Corcaighæfn ætgædre sind onmang middangeardes mæstum hæfnum.

In geardgum setledon munucas here. Ymbe 915 cwōmon wicingas and ðās Dēne staðoleden burg sēo is Corcaig. Iohannes Æþeling þan he wæs Īrlandes Hlāford geaf bōc to Corcaig in 1185. Æfter þās yldeweax Corcaign mid weallum in ymbhwyrft.

Corcaig - Ogłoszenia lokalne