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Bōcturr in Difelinbyrig

Difelinburg is castel in Difelin þǣre ceastre, Īra hēafodstōl. Ðēos burg wæs Īrlandes cynesele and rīcesstōl of Iohannes Cyninges dagum oð Īra rīces ende in 1800, and þæreft abād ðærin Īrlandes agan lēodweard oð 1922.

Þās byrig mǣsta dæl wæs in þǣm 18. gearhund getimbrode ac castel hæfð hēr gestonden siððan Iohannes Cyninges yld, se wæs se ǣrrosta Hlāford of Īrlande.

Hēah Geard in Difelinbyrig

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