Iericho (Arabisc: أريحا; Hebrēisce: יְרִיחוֹ) is burg þæs Haligan Landes in Iordanes dene, be his westernum ofre. In 2017 hæfde Iericho 20,907.onwundendas.
In ealdum ieldum wæs Iericho burg þæm Chanaanfolce mid hiere agnum cyning oððæt þe Israhelfolc com eft in þisse lande, swa we leonað in þære bec Iosua. Heo is gehaten 'palmtreow burg'. Iericho wæs miclum Israhela burg þurh eall Israheles riceand Iudea rice. Be þissa byrig gehelde Iesus Bartimaeus se wæs blind.
Onmang eallum middengeardes trumum burgum is Iericho seo ieldste; nan iedre is gecunnan mid weallum. Menn habbað in þæm grunde her gefunden mar þon twentig wicas þærof is þæm ieldsta fram 9000 gearum beforan Cristes cyme. Manig wiellas sind ymbe þisre byrig.
Æfter þæt Brittisce Gebodrīce ofer Palestine endod for Oferiordanes here geond Iordan and nam Iericho, and held hie oþ 1967 þan eall þis land wæs gehiersumode be Israhele.
Iosua nam Iericho þan he brohtde Israjela þeod ofer Iordane in Chanaanes land. Fore þisse byrig mitte he engle, swa we leonaþ:
“ | Mid ðan ðe Iosua com on Iericho lande, he geseah ænne wer wið ða fyrde standan mid atogenum swurde, ⁊ he sona hine axode: Eart ðu ure geferes ðe ure wiðerwinna? Se wer him andwyrde: Ic eom ealdor ⁊ latteowm Dryhtnes heres, ⁊ ic hider nu com. Iosua ða feoll sona afyrht to eorðan, ⁊ cwæð: Hwæt sprycð min hlaford to his ðeowan ðys? Se engel him cwæð to: Uncnyte ðin gescy hraðe of ðinum fotum, for ðam ðe se stede is halig ðe ðu on styntst, ⁊ he swa dyde. | ” |