Leucippe, a daughter of Thestor and possibly Polymele,[12] and thus, sister of Theonoe, Calchas and Theoclymenus.[13] She became a priestess of Apollo and went from country to country in search of her father, Thestor and sister Theonoe who was stolen by pirates.[14]
Leucippe, mother of Egyptian king, Aegyptus by Hephaestus.[15]
Leucippe, mother of Teuthras the Mysian king. Her son killed a sacred boar of Artemis during hunt and was driven mad by the angry goddess. Lysippe then went out in the woods, seeking to find out what had happened to her son. Eventually she learned about the goddess' wrath from the seer Polyidus; she then sacrificed to the goddess to propitiate her, and Teuthras' sanity was restored.[16]
^Apollodorus, 3.12.3 & f.n. 7 which disregard the connection stating that "if the family tree recorded by Apollodorus is correct, Batia could hardly have been the wife of Ilus, since she was his great-grandmother"