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Full nama
Marcus Opellius Macrinus
Geboren 164, 165
Deaþ 218

Marcus Opellius Macrinus wæs Remisc heretoga se ricsode swa Casere for anum wintre. He ricsode fram Eastermonað 217 oð Seremonað 218 æfter he ofsloh Caracallan Casere.

Marcus wæs geborne in Caesarea Mauritaniae, se wæs in Mauretania Caesariensis þæm underrice. His cynn wæron ðæs cnihthade and of Maurum þæm leode. In his rice cwom he næfre to Rombyrig.

Beforan ðe he weard Casere ðegnde Macrinus under Caracallan Casere swa pretorisc gerefa and he toþegnde Romes weorldscipas. Æfterwearde gesirwede wiþ Caracallan.

Hwilum fare wiþ Perseum in þæs rices eastdæle sended Macrinus morþorslagan se sloh þone Casere. Æfter þrim nihtum abannede se Here ðe Macrinus beon Casere.

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