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Ha Shuta Enima
Mazatec girls performing a dance in Huautla de Jimenez
Total population
Regions with significant populations
Mexico (Oaxaca)
Mazatec, Spanish
Roman Catholic, and Traditional religion
Related ethnic groups

The Mazatec are an Indigenous people of Mexico who inhabit the Sierra Mazateca in the state of Oaxaca and some communities in the adjacent states of Puebla and Veracruz.

Some researchers have theorized that the Mazatec, along with Popoloca speakers, once inhabited the lowlands of the Papaloapan basin, but were driven into the adjacent highlands by the expansion of Nahuas.[1]

  1. ^ Wauchope, R. (2015). Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volumes 7 and 8: Ethnology. United States: University of Texas Press. pg 325

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مازاتيك Arabic Масатэкі BE Mazatec BS Mazateques Catalan Mazateken German Mazateco (etnia) Spanish Masateegid ET Mazatèques French Pobo mazateca GL Mazatec Croatian

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