
Metamudel on mudeli mudel. Sõltuvalt rakendusest võib metamudelil olla erinevaid määratlusi: metamudel on

  • loogiline infomudel, mida kasutatakse modelleerimisel samas (või erinevas) tähenduses elementide eritlemiseks (A logical information model that specifies the modeling elements used within another (or the same) modeling notation. (IEEE 1175.1-2002 (R2007) IEEE Guide for CASE Tool Interconnections-Classification and Description, 3.8))
  • vaade objekti alamhulga konstruktsioonidele, mida väljendatakse nende konstruktsioonide abil nii, et eksisteerib kehtiv metamudeli eksemplar, mis on metamudeli enda kirjeldus (A metamodel Vm for a subset of IDEFobject is a view of the constructs in the subset that is expressed using those constructs such that there exists a valid instance of Vm that is a description of Vm itself." (IEEE 1320.2-1998 (R2004) IEEE Standard for Conceptual Modeling Language Syntax and Semantics for IDEF1X97 (IDEFobject), 3.1.111))
  • mudel, mis sisaldab mudeli ülekandeks vajalike metaentiteetide, metasuhete ja metaomaduste määratlusi (A model containing detailed definitions of the meta-entities, meta-relationships and meta-attributes whose instances appear in the model section of a CDIF transfer. (ISO/IEC 15474-1:2002 Information technology -- CDIF framework -- Part 1: Overview, 4.2))
  • mõistete, seoste ja reeglite täpsustus, mida kasutatakse metoodika kindlaksmääramisel (Specification of the concepts, relationships and rules that are used to define a methodology. (ISO/IEC 24744:2007 Software Engineering--Metamodel for Development Methodologies, 3.4))
  • mudel, mis määratleb modelleeriva keele mõisted ja nende seosed (Model defining the concepts and their relations for some modeling notation. (ISO/IEC 15909-2:2011 Software and system engineering -- High-level Petri nets -- Part 2: Transfer format, 4.1.6))

Metamudel - Ogłoszenia lokalne