
Nuruk ( pamula fermentasi)

Nuruk ( Hangul누룩 ) minangka pamula fermentasi tradisional Korea. [1] [2] [3] [4] Iki digunakake kanggo nggawe macem-macem jinis omben-omben Korea kayata takju, cheongju, lan soju . [5] Iki minangka bahan penting ing Shindari lan dicampur karo beras. [6] Secara historis, digunakake ing macem-macem provinsi Korea, kalebu Pulau Jeju .

Gandum, pari (kalorone jinis ketan lan ora lemut), lan gandum digunakake kanggo nggawe nuruk, minangka gabah utuh utawa arupa grit utawa glepung. [7] [8] Nuruk gandum minangka jinis sing paling umum. Gandum garing dibasahi, dibentuk dadi jajan gedhe, lan digantung nganti difermentasi nganti 2‒4 minggu ing ruangan ondol . [9] Kue mateng ing suhu sing tepat nganti cetakan bentuk.

  1. "Fermented Cereals a Global Perspective. Chapter 3." Fermented Cereals a Global Perspective. Chapter 3. Web. 04 Mar. 2016.
  2. Lee, Cherl-Ho (1999). "Cereal Fermentations in Countries of the Asia-Pacific Region". Ing Haard, Norman F.; Odunfa, S.A.; Lee, Cherl-Ho; Quintero-Ramírez, R.; Lorence-Quiñones, Argelia; Wacher-Radarte, Carmen (èd.). Fermented cereals : a global perspective. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization. kc. 91. ISBN 92-5-104296-9. ISSN 1010-1365. Dibukak ing 19 June 2017.
  3. Shin, Dong-Hwa; Kim, Young-Myoung; Park, Wan-Soo; Kim, Jae-Ho (2016). "Ethnic Fermented Foods and Beverages of Korea". Ing Tamang, Jyoti Prakash (èd.). Ethnic Fermented Foods and Alcoholic Beverages of Asia. India: Springer. kc. 298. Dibukak ing 23 September 2017.
  4. McKay, Marianne; Buglass, Alan J.; Lee, Chang Gook (2011). "Fermented Beverages: Beers, Ciders, Wines and Related Drinks". Ing Buglass, Alan J. (èd.). Handbook of Alcoholic Beverages: Technical, Analytical and Nutritional Aspects. Chichester, UK: Wiley. kc. 214–216. ISBN 978-0-470-51202-9. Dibukak ing 23 September 2017.
  5. Yoo, Jong-Gil. Nuruk, a Traditional Korean Fermentation Starter, contains the Bioactive Compound 2,6-dimethoxy-1,4-benzoquinone (2,6-DMBQ). Online.
  6. Nowicki, Stephen. Holt McDougal Biology. Orlando, FL: Holt McDougal, 2012. Print.
  7. Lee, Cherl-Ho (1999). "Cereal Fermentations in Countries of the Asia-Pacific Region". Ing Haard, Norman F.; Odunfa, S.A.; Lee, Cherl-Ho; Quintero-Ramírez, R.; Lorence-Quiñones, Argelia; Wacher-Radarte, Carmen (èd.). Fermented cereals : a global perspective. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization. kc. 91. ISBN 92-5-104296-9. ISSN 1010-1365. Dibukak ing 19 June 2017.
  8. Yokotsuka, T. (1985). "Fermented protein foods in the Orient, with emphasis on shoyu and miso in Japan". Ing Wood, Brian J. B. (èd.). Microbiology of Fermented Foods. Vol. 1. London: Elsevier Applied Science Publishers. kc. 197–247. ISBN 978-1-4613-7990-4.
  9. Shin, Dong-Hwa; Kim, Young-Myoung; Park, Wan-Soo; Kim, Jae-Ho (2016). "Ethnic Fermented Foods and Beverages of Korea". Ing Tamang, Jyoti Prakash (èd.). Ethnic Fermented Foods and Alcoholic Beverages of Asia. India: Springer. kc. 298. Dibukak ing 23 September 2017.

Nuruk - Ogłoszenia lokalne