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Pibroch, or Ceòl Mòr (meanin muckle muisic in the Gaelic), is a kynd o muisic that is played on the bagpipe. Til the early 19t-centurie, these traditions were haunit doon throu oral tradition. Hit is jaloused that hit comes frae muisic played on the clarsach originally,[1] an is recordit tae date back to c. 1600-1750, if nae earlier.[2] Its historical fount haes been the Gàidhealtachd o the Scots Hielands, an is past tae throu the Canntaireachd method o spatril notation.[3]

  1. See: Alan MacDonald, Dastirum (CD), 2007. Siubhal 2. A comparative demonstration an discussion o the skared characteristics o ornamentation common tae pibroch an early Harp playin is providit by Allan MacDonald on this album through the inclusion o the 17th-century composition "Port Jean Lindsay" sourced frae the Straloch MS (1627-9) an played by Javier Sainz on a replica Lamont Medieval wire-strung harp. (in Inglis)
  2. Cannon, R. (1994). Joseph MacDonald's Compleat Theory of the Scots Highland Bagpipe (in Inglis). Embro. p. Forface.
  3. Dickson, Joshua (1997). "Heidrum Hodrum' Expoundit: A historie o Sooth Uist's Ceòl Mòr tradition". Cairn: The Historie Jurnal in the Scots Leid. 1: 30–36.

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