Refal | |
— Hēafodburg — | |
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Land | Bysen:Country data Estland Estland |
Gestaðelod | unknown value |
Brego | Mihhail Kõlvart |
Bradnes • gerim |
159.37 km² |
Hiehþu | 28 m |
Leodræden • buend |
457,572 buenda |
Tidgyrdel | UTC+02:00 |
Sprecungrim | 64 |
Wægnplatung | A-B |
Webstede | Webstede |
Refal Commons | |
Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta | |
Refal (Estisce: Tallinn) is Estlandes hēafodstōl his mæste burg.
In þæm þrīetienoþ gearhunde ƿæs Reval gestaþoled and he ƿæs burg for þæm Þēodiscum Cnihtum, Dēnum and Russum fore ðe Este fōn hiera sundorrīcehād.
In ðisse ceastre ƿundiað 439,787 menn; þȳ ƿuniaþ ymbe 32 in ælcum hundrede of Estum in Revale. Hiere port is on Estlandes norþernan sǣrim, on þæm sūþecge þære Finnland Sǣsearme, fiftig mīla besūðen Helsingforse (se in Finna hēafodburg), and beƿesten Sanctes Peterbyrig.
Refales Ealdburg is be UNESCO Ƿoruld Irfestede.[1]