Foundation21 June 1999
OperatorSTOXX (Qontigo, Deutsche Börse)
ExchangesFrankfurt Stock Exchange
TypeSmall-cap, non-technology sectors
Weighting methodCapitalization-weighted
Related indicesDAX, MDAX, TecDAX
WebsiteSDAX homepage

The SDAX (German abbreviation for Small-Cap-deutsche Aktienindex) is a stock market index composed of 70 small and medium-sized companies in Germany. These so-called 'small caps' rank directly below the MDAX (mid-cap) shares in terms of order book volume and market capitalization. They are thus the 91st–160th largest publicly traded companies in Germany.

The index is based on prices generated in the electronic trading system Xetra.

SDAX - Ogłoszenia lokalne