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Sirnea þorp on Seofenburgum
Seofenburga scild
Seofenburga scild

Seofonbyrig is land in middlum Europan þæt is Rumǣnie norðwestdǣl oððæt ðe for þǣm mǣstum dǣle his stǣres wæs Seofenburga land Ungerlandes ēastdǣl. Þis land is of Moldaviae and Walachie bedǣled be hēam beorgum.

Hēr onwuniaþ missenlica þēodas. Se mǣsta dǣl his folces sind Vlahas, þā sind Rumǣnia folc, and manig sind Ungere. Ēac fint man Germanisc menn þā het man Seaxe, and þās menn timbroden manige fægre tūnas in þǣm beorgum.

Swa swa his manige lēodas, hæfþ Seofenburga land syndrige naman. Germaniafolc gief hit þone naman "Siebenbürgen", se is seofen byrig. Ungere secgaþ Erdély and Rumǣniefolc Ardeal oþþe Transilvania. On Lǣden is hit Transylvia, se menþ land ofer wealde.

Seofonbyrig is cūþ on mannum for hire þēodscipe mid Dracūle, and wæs hām þāra Seofonburga Seaxna.

Landscīte, 1606
Landscīte, 1606
Wiki letter w Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge hire helpan.

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Transsilvanië AF Siebenbürgen ALS Transilvania AN ترانسيلفانيا Arabic ترانسيلڤانيا ARY ترانسيلفانيا ARZ Transilvania AST Transilvaniya AZ Simbiagn BAR Трансільванія BE

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