
Shoegaze (poznat i kao shoegazing, a često pomiješan sa "dream popom")[6][7] jest podžanr indie i alternativnog roka kojeg odlikuje eterični zvuk, pomračeni vokali, gitarska distorzija i efekti, audio-fidbek i ogromna jačina zvuka.[8] Pojavio se krajem 1980-ih u Irskoj i Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu među neopsihedeličnim grupama. Ime proizlazi od velike upotrebe gitarskih efekata, jer su izvođači često gledali u svoje pedale tokom koncerata.[9] Album My Bloody Valentinea Loveless, često se smatra izdanjem koje je definisalo žanr, a druge istaknute shoegaze grupe su Slowdive, Ride, Lush, Pale Saints i Chapterhouse. Shoegaze je bio zasjenjen grunge pokretom i britpop grupama ranih 1990-ih, što je dovelo do toga da su se mnogi bendovi raspali ili se prilagodili nekom drugom stilu. Međutim, od kasnih 2010-ih, uočen je ponovni interes za žanr, posebno među nu gaze i blackgaze bendovima.

  1. ^ Richardson, Mark (11. 5. 2012). "My Bloody Valentine: Isn't Anything / Loveless / EPs 1988–1991". Pitchfork. Arhivirano s originala, 17. 4. 2015. Pristupljeno 17. 4. 2015.
  2. ^ "Noise Pop : Significant Albums, Artists and Songs, Most Viewed: AllMusic". AllMusic. 2. 6. 2012. Arhivirano s originala, 2. 6. 2012.
  3. ^ a b Heller, Jason. "Where to start with the enigmatic music known as shoegaze". The A.V. Club. Arhivirano s originala, 30. 10. 2016. Pristupljeno 9. 8. 2016.
  4. ^ Olivier Bernard: Anthologie de l'ambient, Camion Blanc, 2013, ISBN 2-357-794151
    "L'ethereal wave (et notamment les Cocteau Twins) a grandement influencé le shoegaze et la dream pop... L'ethereal wave s'est développée à partir du gothic rock, et tire ses origines principalement de la musique de Siouxsie and the Banshees (les Cocteau Twins s'en sont fortement inspirés, ce qui se ressent dans leur premier album Garlands, sorti en 1982). Le genre s'est développé surtout autour des années 1983-1984, avec l'émergence de trois formations majeures: Cocteau Twins, This Mortal Coil et Dead Can Dance... Les labels principaux promouvant le genre sont 4AD et Projekt Records".
  5. ^ "Space Rock : Allmusic". AllMusic. Arhivirano s originala, 29. 3. 2019. Pristupljeno 5. 3. 2019.
  6. ^ Reynolds, Simon (1. 12. 1991). "Pop View; 'Dream-Pop' Bands Define the Times in Britain". The New York Times. Arhivirano s originala, 2. 9. 2020. Pristupljeno 7. 10. 2010.
  7. ^ Rothman, Joshua (28. 8. 2015). "T. S. Eliot Would Have Liked Beach House". The New Yorker. Arhivirano s originala, 5. 3. 2021. Pristupljeno 16. 6. 2021.
  8. ^ Pete Prown / Harvey P. Newquist: "One faction came to be known as dream-pop or "shoegazers" (for their habit of looking at the ground while playing the guitars on stage). They were musicians who played trancelike, ethereal music that was composed of numerous guitars playing heavy droning chords wrapped in echo effects and phase shifters.", Hal Leonard 1997, ISBN 0-7935-4042-9
  9. ^ "Shoegaze, the Sound of Protest Shrouded in Guitar Fuzz, Returns". New York Times. 14. 8. 2017. Arhivirano s originala, 18. 12. 2019. Pristupljeno 17. 12. 2019.

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