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İlahiya Eziz Yohanne Battistayi

Ut queant laxis (Do)

Resonare fibris

Mira gestorum

Famuli tuorum

Solve polluti

Labii reatum

Sincte Iohannes... (Si)

Qıseparçeyo sıftehın de bahdê coy be do ameyo gurenayene.

Si, muzik de hetê solfeci ra gamê macori sera nota hewtıne mocneno. Na nota vengê lay ra dıme yena. Sistemê İngıltera û DAYi de na nota be herfa B û ê Almanya de zi be H mocniyena.

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سي (موسيقى) Arabic Сі BE Сі BE-X-OLD Си Bulgarian H (tone) Danish H (Musik) German Σι (νότα) Greek B (musical note) English Si (nota) Spanish H (muusika) ET

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