
Þis geƿrit is ymbe þæt gamen. For sēo cunnung þāra tungolra, sēo Tungolcræft.

SteorraCræft is spærcletelle gamen macod be Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS and Nintendo 64. Þæt stǣr spricþ ymbe gūþ betƿeox þrīe ƿoruldrum cynd: þā Terrans, þā ƿoruldrum-ellorƿihta Zerg, and þā mannlīce Protoss gūþrincas.

SteorraCræft ƿæs þæt betst-cīepende spærcletelle gamen þæs 1998 and ƿann þæt Origins Award for Betst Mōdgeþance Spærcletelle Gamen þæs gēares. SteorraCræft ƿæs on IGNes "Cnoll 100 Gamena þæs Ealle Tīman" sƿā #7, and in 2006, underfēng Tungol on þǣm Ƿād þæs Gamenes æt Metreon, San Fransisco. In Sēremōnaþ 2006, SteorraCræft cīepode ofer 9,500,000 styccum, maciende his ān þāra betst-cīepende spærcletelle gamenes in stǣre. Hit is sƿīðe notod in Sūþ Corea. Blizzard ǣreste ƿold þæt stǣr mid SteorraCræft: Gāst þurhstandan, hƿīc ƿæs gestillen. Þæt ōðer, SteorraCræft II, ƿæs āboden 19 Þrimilcemōnaþ, 2007, in Seoul, Sūþ Corea.

Starcraft - Ogłoszenia lokalne