

Brim Sericus Garsecg
Rīce Samoa
Mǣste Burg Apia
Bæceringmet 13°55′S 171°45′W
Brādnes 434 mila2
Hēafodtopp Fito Beorg (3,652 fet)
Mennscipe 143,418 (2011)

Upolu is Samoan oðru ieg and onwriehþ 434 mila2 Beorgfæst is ðeos ieg and hiere topp is Fito Beorg se stigð t 3,652 fet.

On Upoluiege stent Apia, Samoan heafodburg, and her lið Faleolo Eormenlendisc Lyfthæfn æt ðisse iege westerneum ende.


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