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Eastgotena Cyning
Cynedom 536 – 540
Foregenga Þeodhad
Æftergenga Hildbead
Bryd Meahtswiþ
Geboren 470s
Deaþ 542
Æfastnes Arianisc Cirice

Ƿudgils ƿæs se cyning þāra Ēastgotena fram þǣm 536. gēare oþ 540. In 540. gēare, he ƿæs sigelēas ƿiþ Belisarius Heretoga and ƿæs Belisaris hæft. His bryd is Meahtswiþ, Þēodric ƿæs hire ealdfæder.[1]

  1. (1905) The great migrations. Lea brothers & company. 

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