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Ƿrixel of Oferirodanes þæs Bregor īces

Oferiordan is land be ēasten Iordane þære ēa. Todæg is þis land þæt Hascemitisce Cynerīce þæs Iordanes.

In þære ylde þæs Oþomaniscan Rīces ƿæs þis land Syrie dæl, sēo ƿæs Oþomanisc underrīce. In þære Forma Ƿoruldgūþe abrāc sēo Arabisce Onhebbung þærin ƿæron Turcfolc adrifen of Syrie and in þæm friþborge bedæledon Brettas and Francas sƿylc underrīce þe Palestine gesetede under Bryttiscum ƿearde.

In Ēatermōnaþ 1921 staþolede se Bryttisca lēodƿeard Oferiordan þæt Bregorīce (Arabisc: إمارة شرق الأردن Imārat Sharq al-Urdun) sƿa Bryttisc rīce under ƿearde þærof ƿæs Abdullah bin Hussein his þēoden. Be þissum dāl ƿæs Oferiordan syndrode of Syrie (se belimpede Francas) and of Palestine, þærin sceall man gestaþolan Iudeisc rīce.

Abdullah Brego (se ƿæs Hascemiting) ricsode on þissum rīce, and his nefa ricsode on Iraclande. On 25 Þrimilcemōnaþ 1946 ƿeard þæt bregorīce þæt 'Hascemitisce Cynerīce of Oferiordane" þærof ƿæs Abdullah se Cyning and on 17 Seremōnaþ 1946 ƿæs sƿylc rīce asundrod of þæm Bryttiscum Rīce.

In 1949 onsƿog Abdullah Cyning Palestine beƿesten þære ēa and onsæt his ƿestofer and his rīces nama onƿendode he to þæt Hascemitisce Cynerīce þæs Iordanes. Noþȳlæs, in 1967 onsƿog Israhēlfolc þone ƿestofer and nū is þæs cynerīces landrīce eall in Oferirodane.

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