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Europan ƿestdæl in þǣm 5. gearhundred

Seaxe ƿǣron Germanisc mægþ oþðe mægþa flocc. Hiera eald eard ƿæs in norðernum Germanie dǣle. Micel dǣl þisses folces segled ofersǣ Bryten tō findenne and ƿeard Englacynnes dǣl. Þæs folces lāf on Germanie ƿǣron Eald Seaxe.

Tōdæg onƿuniaþ Ealdseaxna cildru Niðerland, Niðerseaxland and Ƿestfale. Þā Bretene Seaxe sind Engle, and hiera cildru onƿuniaþ Bretene, Norþamerican, Australie, Nīƿe Sǣland and manigfeald land. Sūðaffrica hæfþ begen Seaxe of Englacynne and Ealdseaxe of Niðerlande.

On Brytene sind þrēo scīre æfter Seaxum genemned, hīe sind Ēastseaxe, Middelseaxe and Sūþseaxe. Ƿestseaxna Rīce hæfde his naman ēac æfter Seaxum.

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