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National Film Registry

The image includes a logo on a black background. The logo looks like a film reel and changes from left-to-right to an eagle. The logo is multi-colored and below it is the phrase "National Film Registry of the Library of Congress".
National Film Registrys logo

National Film Registry er USAs National Film Preservation Boards udvalg af film til konservering i Library of Congress. Bestyrelsen, der er oprettet af National Film Preservation Act i 1988 blev genudpeget af Kongressen i 1992, 1996, 2005 og igen i oktober 2008.[1][2][3]

I 1996 skabte loven også non-profit til National Film Preservation Foundation, som støttes af penge fra den private sektor.[4]

  1. ^ "Reagan Signs Law on Film". The New York Times. 28. september 1988. Hentet 22. juli 2009.
  2. ^ "Legislative Authorization". National Film Preservation Board. Hentet 22. juli 2009.
  3. ^ "Public Law 110–336—Oct. 2, 2008" (PDF). United States Government Printing Office. Hentet 15. august 2009.
  4. ^ Fox, Michael (28. maj 2003). "Running Around San Francisco for an Education". SF Weekly. Arkiveret fra originalen 29. november 2014. Hentet 30. juli 2009.

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