Plate from Zoologie Analytique showing how the jacana, râle (water rail), houtrier (oystercatcher), gallinule (moorhen) and Foulque (coot) may be separated by characters of the feet
André Marie Constant DumérilZoologie analytique ou, Méthode naturelle de classification des animaux rendue plus facile a l'aide de tableaux synoptique Paris, Allais. Also published in German as Analytische Zoologie Weimar, Im Verlage des Landes-Industrie-Compto. In this work which covers the Animalia as a whole dichotomous keys are used to separate taxa in a scientific approach.
Anders Erikson Sparrman published an ornithology of Sweden titled Svensk Ornithologie.One of the many regional fauna s of Europe to appear in the nineteenth century.