Although former president Bolsonaro defines his government as "free from ideological constraints",[19] he does not recognize Bolsonarism as an ideology, his followers — pejoratively called "Bolsominions" — diverge between those who agree with Bolsonaro[20] and those who flaunt the term to express their political position.[21]
^ abcRibeiro, Guilherme. "Entre armas e púlpitos: a necropolítica do Bolsonarismo". Continentes: 463–485. ISSN2317-8825. Retrieved 2024-11-16 – via PPGGEO-UFRRJ. Myth means childishly mixing reality and imagination. Being outside of history but, at the same time, having the powers to intervene in it. Losing the notion of humanity when calling for a superman capable of solving everything seen as a problem. The myth is a delusional cry in the name of the elimination of the other and if perhaps the tragedy of death emerges on the horizon of life and historical time reclaims its rights, the right will always be able to find the excuse that it did not imagine that things would happen in such a way as to how the left would have done much worse. In short, the myth is the impeccable alibi of authoritarianism.
^Gomes, Luiz Roberto (January 2020). "Multiple-faces authoritarianism in Brazil: anti-Semitism, Bolsonarism and Education". Revista Eletrônica de Educação. 14. doi:10.14244/198271994532. ISSN1982-7199. It is not just about specific periods, such as: the genocide of the indigenous people, during the invasion of Brazilian lands in 1500; or more than 300 years of official slavery; the Vargas Dictatorship in Estado Novo; the "Years of Lead" (1964-1984); or the extremist authoritarian personality - of a fascist type - of Jair Bolsonaro, his government and insurgent Bolsonarism28; which dispute our territory and threaten us every day.
Boito, Armando (2023-01-01). "The Rise of Fascism in Brazil". Latin American Perspectives. 50 (1): 14–31. doi:10.1177/0094582X221140419. ISSN0094-582X. All of this appears to point to what many observers have said: that there is a solid core of Bolsonarism, which I am characterizing as neofascist, around which a broader periphery gravitates from various outer reaches of the right and far-right.
Andrada, Leonardo Silva (2022-11-30). "Direita, Esquerda, Nova Direita e o Neofascismo Brasileiro". Revista Estudos Políticos (in Portuguese). 13 (25): 01–23. doi:10.22409/rep.v13i25.56134. ISSN2177-2851. Finally, it proposes that there is a specific aspect of the "new" right to which "bolsonarism" is linked, and it defends the adequacy of the term "neo-fascist" as a means of referring to the contemporary expression of such political phenomenon.
Doval, Gisela Pereyra; Lucca, Juan Bautista; Iglesias, Esteban (2024-05-24). El Brasil de Bolsonaro: En español (in Spanish). Melos. ISBN978-987-8267-97-5. Para caracterizar el Gobierno de Bolsonaro — y el movimiento que lo respalda — de neofascista, Boito (2019, 2020a, 2020b, 2021) expone el concepto de fascismo que retoma.
Jardim, Alex Fabiano Correia; Oliveira, Adhemar Santos de; Costa, Paulo Henrique Dias; Andrade, Warley Kelber Gusmão de; Almeida, Michelle Martins de; Amorim, Jailson Pereira de; Menezes, Sabrina Lasevitch; Silva, Laise Franciele Souza (2022-05-10). Deleuze e Guattari – Pensar em veredas que se bifurcam: política, educação e clínica (in German). Editora CRV. ISBN978-65-251-2297-7. O essencial a atentar com a hipótese do bolsonarismo como máquina de guerra ncofascista é que agora há uma máquina de guerra que toma um Estado, como no fascismo histórico, mas que antes de realizar a linha de morte na forma das grandes guerras, a máquina neofascista se utiliza das forgas concretas e "baixas" da violéncia pós-fascista.
Almeida, Diogo H. A. (2021-03-10). Por que Bolsonaro é uma anomalia civilizacional? (in Brazilian Portuguese). Autografia. ISBN978-65-5943-397-1. Podemos recorrer ao pensamento esclarecido de muitos autores, professores, cientistas políticos e pensadores para constatarmos claramente que Bolsonaro e seu movimento de defesa, o bolsonarismo, sáo de caráter fascista, ou neofascista, ou, no mínimo, um populismo de direita.
Filgueiras, Luiz; Druck, Graça (2020-11-06). O Brasil nas trevas (2013-2020): Do golpe neoliberal ao fascismo (in Brazilian Portuguese). Boitempo Editorial. ISBN978-65-5717-030-4. No caso do Brasil, o "bolsonarismo" é um "movimento neofascista" efetivamente constituído, política e ideologicamente mobilizador, tendo raízes em certos segmentos e fracóes de classe da sociedade brasileira — embora aparente ser inorgánico, em virtude da inexisténcia, ainda, de um Partido político que unifique, organize, discipline e represente os seus vários grupos e tendencias.
^ abcSilva Júnior, João dos Reis; Fargoni, Everton Henrique Eleutério (January 2020). "Bolsonarism: Brazilian necropolitics as pact between fascists and neoliberals". Revista Eletrônica de Educação. 14. doi:10.14244/198271994533. ISSN1982-7199. It can therefore be said that Bolsonarism is a facet of Brazilian authoritarianism or an authentic right-wing populism that articulates with neoliberalism, because its characteristics are witnessed in Brazil's social daily life, producing a daily pedagogy of right-wing populism.