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Draft:Eraldo Banovac

Eraldo Banovac is Croatian engineer, energy expert and university professor.

He was born on 14 February 1955, in Pula, Croatia. He graduated with a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing University of Zagreb.

He was elected in the scientific-teaching rank of full professor and in the grade of a scientific advisor with tenure.

Professor Banovac is known for his work in the field of energy and technical sciences.[1]

He has been cited in energy studies important for determining energy security policy in Europe.[2][3]

In the period from 1981 to 2022, he held the following responsible positions: General Manager of the Textile Machinery and Measure Devices Factory in Zagreb, Deputy Commander of the Command for Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia, appointed Deputy Chairman of the Croatian Energy Regulatory Council, a designated Commissioner and the Chief Advisor of the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency.[4][5]

Professor Banovac was a lecturer at three Croatian Universities in courses such as Electricity market, Liberalization of the energy market, Regulation of energy activities and Renewable energy sources.[6][7]

He published three books and many scientific-research papers, mainly devoted to quality control, measurement and the field of energy (especially topics regarding electricity and gas markets, renewables and regulation of energy activities).[8][9]

He is also known for his sayings quoted worldwide.[10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]

Observing the complexity of life, professor Banovac gave insight into important life issues in the book “Reasonably Through Life“ which comprises his original sayings classified per appropriate fields, from philosophical issues, time, human nature, wisdom, happiness, friendship, knowledge, ideas, problem solving, success, leadership & management, to education and exams.[18]

He was either a chairman or member of the committees at international scientific conferences.[19][20][21][22][23][24][25]

He is a reviewer for several high ranking journals in the fields of energy and engineering.[26][27]

For the outstanding results, he received significant recognition, including Hrvoje Požar Foundation Award for significant professional and scientific activity in the development of energy, The Lifetime Achievement Award of the Croatian Gas Association, the Order of the Croatian Morning Star and the Order of the Croatian Trefoil.[28][29][30][31]

  1. ^ Croatian Energy Society, Hrvoje Požar award ceremony held, July 9, 2024 (“Prof. Eraldo Banovac, Ph.D. was awarded for his significant professional and scientific activity in the development of energy. As prominent Croatian scientist and professor, he is known for his work in the fields of energy and technical sciences. Through numerous activities, he is not only contributing to the science, but is also inspiring new generations of experts in the field of energy.“), https://www.hed.hr/foundation.html
  2. ^ THE OXFORD INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY STUDIES, Security of Gas Supply in South Eastern Europe – Potential Contribution of Planned Pipelines, LNG, and Storage, July 2011 – the cited work: Eraldo Banovac, et al. South East Europe Case Study: Impact of Regulation on Gas Infrastructure Investments in the Regional Gas Market Integration, in the Proceedings of the 24th World Gas Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 5-9, 2009, https://www.oxfordenergy.org/wpcms/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/NG_52.pdf
  3. ^ Local and Regional Impact of the Trans-European Energy Networks TEN-E with a Focus on the Forthcoming Energy Infrastructure Package, written for THE EUROPEAN UNION (THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS), 2011 – the cited work: Eraldo Banovac, et al. South East Europe Case Study: Impact of Regulation on Gas Infrastructure Investments in the Regional Gas Market Integration, in the Proceedings of the 24th World Gas Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 5-9, 2009
  4. ^ Odluka o imenovanju predsjednika, zamjenika predsjednika i članova Vijeća za regulaciju energetskih djelatnosti, NN 117/2001
  5. ^ Odluka o imenovanju predsjednika, zamjenika predsjednika i članova Upravnog vijeća Hrvatske energetske regulatorne agencije, NN 66/2005
  6. ^ Ekonomski fakultet u Rijeci, Ekonomija energetskog sektora – MBA, Popis predavača, https://www.efri.uniri.hr/hr/popis_predavaca/544/43
  7. ^ Eraldo Banovac (popis objekata), Repozitorij Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, https://repozitorij.fer.unizg.hr/user/profile/mbz/165716
  8. ^ Croatian Scientific Bibliography CROSBI, 124 publications of Eraldo Banovac (CROSBI Profile: 13561, MZO: 165716), https://www.bib.irb.hr:8443/pretraga?operators=and%7CBanovac,%20Eraldo%20%2813561%29%7Ctext%7Cprofile
  9. ^ Eraldo Banovac – Google Scholar, https://scholar.google.hr/citations?user=Sgdl4HcAAAAJ&hl=hr
  10. ^ Virender Kapoor: Transforming our higher education at zero cost. The Economic Times (English Edition), May 19, 2016 (“It is much more worthwhile to implement only one bright idea than collecting a thousand of them. – Eraldo Banovac”), https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/small-biz/hr-leadership/people/transforming-our-higher-education-at-zero-cost/articleshow/52340980.cms?from=mdr
  11. ^ Enrique Patino. Brain Science for Educators and Parents, IAE newsletter, International Perspectives in Educationon, December 11, 2019 (“Curiosamente, muy pocas personas tienen una idea clara sobre cómo mejorar la calidad de vida. Eraldo Banovac; experto en energía de la República de Croacia y profesor universitario; 1955”), https://moursundagatefoundation.org/2019/12/consejos-para-un-educador-bastante-nuevo/
  12. ^ Ronan Leonard. The Must Have Accountability Resource List. Medium, December 20, 2016 (“Impressive technological development makes us capable of measuring almost everything, but measurement error problems still remain. – Eraldo Banovac”), https://medium.com/the-mvp/the-must-have-accountability-resource-list-a95fa916659
  13. ^ Insight into the Future of Humanity, Foresight For Development (“What does the future look like? I don't know how to answer this question, but for the bettering of man's future, I would like for a civilization of knowledge to exist on our planet in the not too distant future. Eraldo Banovac – Energy expert and a university professor”), https://www.foresightfordevelopment.org/talk-tive/humanity
  14. ^ Julia Glum. National Grandparents Day 2016 Quotes: 13 Sayings To Share About Love And Family, November 9, 2016 in International Business Times, IBT Media Inc., New York (“There is no greater achievement than being a grandfather who tells fairytales to grandchildren. – Eraldo Banovac“), https://www.ibtimes.com/national-grandparents-day-2016-quotes-13-sayings-share-about-love-family-2413370
  15. ^ How Not To Confuse Efficiency With Efficacy (“Eraldo Banovac reminds us that “Good managers don’t set a goal to increase efficiency, but rather an implementation of business process improvements that result in higher efficiency as well.” and so it is the case in building design and operation.”), https://www.insideout.co.nz/2024/02/23/how-not-to-confuse-efficiency-with-efficacy/
  16. ^ Top 55 Exam Motivational Quotes for Students, WishBae, November 9, 2023 (“Acquiring knowledge is the most fruitful effort. – Eraldo Banovac”), https://www.wishbae.com/motivational-quotes-for-students/
  17. ^ San Marcos High School APUSH Review, April 3, 2017 (“Don’t be afraid to study hard: knowledge never exhausts the mind. – Eraldo Banovac“), https://eisenapushreview.wordpress.com/2017/04/03/featured-content-2/
  18. ^ Eraldo Banovac. Reasonably Through Life: Be diligent and patient. Observe, consider, learn. If you always do so, success in life will certainly come. Goodreads ("Reasonably Through Life" by Eraldo Banovac is a little book of wisdom, which is equal to a lot of vols. It's devoted to the truth of life and these maxims can become a real guide to human action. A reader is able to find an answer to every problem of life in this book, based on Positive Psychology and Philosophy (metaphysics, ontology, epistemology and axiology). Critical - reflective relevance to the world is Eraldo's creative method. … Anthropocentricity is characteristic of this book, where ethics ("moral philosophy") reveals the essence of human behavior, happiness, destiny, meaning of life, free will on the whole.“ – A part of I. Pechonkina's review available on Goodreads), https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44897132-reasonably-through-life
  19. ^ Scientific Committee of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on simulation, modelling and optimization (SMO '06), Lisbon, Portugal, September 22-24, 2006, http://www.wseas.us/e-library/conferences/2006lisbon/smo/committee.htm
  20. ^ Scientific Committee of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on E-activities (E-ACTIVITIES '06), Venice, Italy, November 20-22, 2006, http://www.wseas.us/e-library/conferences/2006venice/e-activities/committee.htm
  21. ^ Program Committee of the EUROCON 2015, the 16th edition of IEEE Region 8 EuroCon, Salamanca, Spain, 8-11 September, 2015, https://eurocon2015.usal.es/?q=Committees
  22. ^ Program Committee of the 11th International Conference on Wireless & Mobile Network (WiMo 2019), Zurich, Switzerland, March 30-31, 2019, https://sites.google.com/view/wimo-2019/committee
  23. ^ International Scientific Committee of the 36th International scientific & expert meeting of gas professionals, Opatija, Croatia, June 16-18, 2021, https://susret.hsup.hr/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/ZBORNIK_cjelovitih_radova_2021.pdf
  24. ^ Program Committee of the 15th International natural gas, heat and water conference, Osijek, Croatia, September 25-27, 2024, https://konferencija-plin.unisb.hr/wp-content/uploads/zbornici/Zbornik-radova-PLIN-2024.pdf
  25. ^ International Scientific Committee of the 39th International Scientific & Expert Meeting of Gas Professionals, Opatija, Croatia, May 8 - 10, 2024, https://susret.hsup.hr/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Zbornik-radova-2024.pdf
  26. ^ IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 69, No. 12, December 2020, 2020 List of Reviewers, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=9253033
  27. ^ World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), List of Reviewers, ref>http://www.worldses.org/review/2010reviewers.htm
  28. ^ https://www.hed.hr/pdf/Objava_ZHP_2024.pdf
  29. ^ Eraldo Banovac dobitnik nagrade “Hrvoje Požar“ za značajnu stručnu i znanstvenu djelatnost u razvitku energetike, https://hsup.hr/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Odrzana-svecanost-dodjele-godisnjih-nagrada-Zaklade.pdf
  30. ^ Časopis PLIN, prosinac 2016, br. 4, godina XVI, str. 14, https://hsup.hr/upload_data/editor/files/SAD_16_04.compressed(4).pdf
  31. ^ Odluka o dodjeli odlikovanja, NN 26/2018, https://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2018_03_26_512.html

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