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Health claim

A health claim on a food label and in food marketing is a claim by a manufacturer of food products that their food will reduce the risk of developing a disease or condition. For example, it is claimed by the manufacturers of oat cereals that oat bran can reduce cholesterol, which will lower the chances of developing serious heart conditions. Vague health claims include that the food inside is "healthy," "organic," "low fat," "non-GMO," "no sugar added," or "natural".

Health claims are also made for over-the-counter drugs and prescription drugs, medical procedures, and medical devices, but these generally have a separate, much more stringent set of regulations.

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ادعاء صحي Arabic Zdravotní tvrzení Czech Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1924/2006 (Health Claims) German Declaración de propiedades saludables Spanish Allégations nutritionnelles et de santé French

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