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Missus dominicus

A missus dominicus (plural missi dominici), Latin for "envoy[s] of the lord [ruler]" or palace inspector, also known in Dutch as Zendgraaf (German: Sendgraf), meaning "sent Graf", was an official commissioned by the Frankish king or Holy Roman Emperor to supervise the administration, mainly of justice, in parts of his dominions too remote for frequent personal visits.[1] As such, the missus performed important intermediary functions between royal and local administrations. There are superficial points of comparison with the original Roman corrector, except that the missus was sent out on a regular basis. Four points made the missi effective as instruments of the centralized monarchy: the personal character of the missus, yearly change, isolation from local interests and the free choice of the king.[2]

  1. ^ Kikuchi, Shigeto (2013). Untersuchungen zu den Missi dominici. Herrschaft, Delegation und Kommunikation in der Karolingerzeit. pp. 58–66. OCLC 950017512.
  2. ^ Points noted in James Laurence Laughlin, "The decline of the missi dominici in Frankish Gaul", Credit 4.1 (1903:1–22) p. 5.

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Missi dominici Catalan Königsbote German Missi dominici Spanish Missi dominici French Missi dominici GL Missus dominicus ID Missi dominici Italian 国王巡察使 Japanese 왕국 순찰사 Korean Zendgraaf Dutch

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