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Social assumption of monogamous normativity
Mononormativity or mono-normativity is the normative assumption that monogamy is healthier or more natural than ethical non-monogamy, as well as the societal enforcement of such an assumption.[1] It has been widely tied to various forms of discrimination or bias against polyamory.[2][3]
^Taya Cassidy, and Gina Wong, Consensually Nonmonogamous Clients and the Impact of Mononormativity in Therapy/Les clients non monogames consensuels et l’impact de la mononormativité en thérapie, ISSN 0826-3893 Vol. 52 No. 2, Pages 119–139 (available online). Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy/Revue canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie, Athabasca University.
^Rodrigues, David L., et al. “Examining the Role of Mononormative Beliefs, Stigma, and Internalized Consensual Non-monogamy Negativity for Dehumanization.” PsyArXiv, 31 Jan. 2022. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/yjwma