The Rugini were a pagan tribe living in or near present day northern Germany in the 9th century. They were only mentioned once, in a list of pagan tribes drawn up by the English monk Bede (also called Beda venerabilis) in his Historia ecclesiastica of the early 8th century:[1][2][clarification needed]
Sunt autem Fresones, Rugini, Danai, Hunni, Antiqui Saxones, Boructuari; sunt alii perplures hisdem in partibus populi paganis adhuc ritibus servientis.[2]
Whether the Rugini were remnants of the Rugii is speculative.[1] The term Rugini has also been interpreted as the first mention of the Slavic Rani (also Rujani), who in the Middle Ages dwelled on the isle of Rügen.[2][3]