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Stanwick Iron Age Fortifications
Iron Age hill fort in North Yorkshire, England
Stanwick Iron Age Fortifications (also known as 'Stanwick Camp'), a huge Iron Agehill fort, sometimes but not always considered an oppidum, comprising over 9 kilometres (5.6 mi) of ditches and ramparts enclosing approximately 300 hectares (740 acres) of land,[1] are situated in Richmondshire, North Yorkshire, England. Whether Stanwick was the stronghold of Venutius or Cartimandua, or perhaps of them both for a brief time before their acrimonious split some time after 51 AD, it is certain that this settlement was one of the most important in Brigantia, the Brigantes kingdom during the early stages of the Roman occupation of Britain. The site is a scheduled monument.[2]
^Haselgrove, C.C., Turbull, P. and Fitts, R.L., 'Stanwick, North Yorkshire, Part 1: Recent research and previous archaeological investigations', Archaeological Journal, No.147, 1990, pages 1–15, page 1 also John Wacher, in The Towns of Roman Britain, states over 700 acres and 284 hectares.