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Template:Category see also/testcases

{{Category see also}}

{{Category see also}}

Error: at least one parameter required (Template:Category see also)

{{Category see also/sandbox}}

Error: at least one parameter required (Template:Category see also)

One category
{{Category see also|Foo}}

{{Category see also}}

{{Category see also/sandbox}}

Two categories
{{Category see also|Foo|Bar}}

{{Category see also}}

{{Category see also/sandbox}}

Three categories
{{Category see also|Foo|Bar|Baz}}

{{Category see also}}

{{Category see also/sandbox}}

Four categories
{{Category see also|Foo|Bar|Baz|Qux}}

{{Category see also}}

{{Category see also/sandbox}}

One category starting with lower case
{{Category see also|foo}}

{{Category see also}}

{{Category see also/sandbox}}

Two categories starting with lower case
{{Category see also|foo|bar}}

{{Category see also}}

{{Category see also/sandbox}}

{{Category see also|Foo|LABEL=A label}}

{{Category see also}}

{{Category see also/sandbox}}

Project code, one category
{{Category see also|Foo|project=fr}}

{{Category see also}}

{{Category see also/sandbox}}

Project code, two categories
{{Category see also|Foo|Bar|project=fr}}

{{Category see also}}

{{Category see also/sandbox}}

Category namespace, one category
{{Category see also|Category:Foo}}

{{Category see also}}

{{Category see also/sandbox}}

Category namespace, two categories
{{Category see also|Category:Foo|Category:Bar}}

{{Category see also}}

{{Category see also/sandbox}}

Different namespace, one category
{{Category see also|Template:Foo}}

{{Category see also}}

{{Category see also/sandbox}}

Different namespace, two categories
{{Category see also|Template:Foo|Template:Bar}}

{{Category see also}}

{{Category see also/sandbox}}

Lots of categories
{{Category see also|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39|40|41|42|43|44|45|46|47|48|49|50}}

{{Category see also}}

{{Category see also/sandbox}}

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