Jack the Ripper Stalks His Victims is the first collection by British designer Alexander McQueen, produced for his master's degree in fashion at Central Saint Martins. Inspired by the victims of Jack the Ripper, and by Victorian-era fashion, erotica, and prostitution practices, the collection was presented on the runway at London Fashion Week on 16 March 1992. Editor Isabella Blow was fascinated by the runway show and insisted on purchasing the entire collection, and became McQueen's friend and muse. Jack the Ripper remains an object of critical analysis for its violent concept and styling. McQueen continued the narrative and aesthetic tendencies from Jack the Ripper, producing collections inspired by macabre aspects of history, art, and his own life. Items from Jack the Ripper, most notably a pink frock coat with a thorn print (pictured), have appeared in Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty (2011 and 2015) and Isabella Blow: Fashion Galore! (2013). (Full article...)