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Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2006-11-27/Arbitration series

Arbitration series

Arbitration Committee elections: Candidate profiles

This week, the Signpost profiles candidates in this year's elections.

Candidates in the December 2006 Arbitration Committee elections were interviewed this week for an election guide, in preparation for the start of the elections on Monday. The elections will run for two weeks, ending on Sunday, 17 December. It is anticipated that Jimbo Wales will make his selections for the Committee on Monday or Tuesday, and the newly elected Arbitrators will take their positions on 1 January, 2007.

The election guide is intended to be a brief overview of each candidate's beliefs and experiences. More detailed information about each candidate may be gleaned from their user pages, as well as their responses to questions from other users. Not all candidates have yet replied to our questions; their replies will be added as they are received.

Due to size, the guide has been split up alphabetically, though a page transcluding all sections is available below:

ArbCom candidate profiles:    A-F  |  G-K  |  L-R  |  S-Z  |  All  |  (Withdrawn)

At press time, 31 candidates had submitted their names. Still likely is a significant number of last-minute entries; in the January elections, 23 candidates (over one-third of the field) volunteered in the final three days before nominations were closed. Current arbitrator Jayjg has not yet announced whether he will be running again; the other three arbitrators whose seats are up for re-election have chosen not to run again, and a fifth seat is empty.

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