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Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1869-10-02 (Porbandar)
Decesso 1948-01-30 (Gandhi Smriti)
Causa de decesso gunshot wound[*]
Loco de reposo Raj Ghat and associated memorials[*]
Supernomine बापू, बापू जी, राष्ट्रपिता
Ethnicitate Gujarati people[*]
Citatania British Raj[*], Dominion of India[*], India
Educate in Mahatma Gandhi Museum[*], Inner Temple[*], University College London[*], Samaldas Arts College[*]
Occupation politico[*], barrister[*], political writer[*], jornalista[*], philosopho[*], autobiographo[*], essayista[*], newspaper editor[*], civil rights advocate[*], memoirist[*], humanitarian[*], activista pro le pace[*], revolutionario[*], scriptor, jurista[*], freedom fighter[*]
Obras notabile satyagraha[*]
Partito politic Indian National Congress[*]
Religion Hinduismo
Conjuge Kasturba Gandhi[*]
Infantes Harilal Gandhi[*], Manilal Gandhi[*], Ramdas Gandhi[*], Devdas Gandhi[*]
Parentes matre Putlibai Karamchand Gandhi[*] patre Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi[*]
Fratres/sorores Raliatbehn Gandhi[*], Muliben Gandhi[*], Pankunvarben Gandhi[*], Laxmidas Karamchand Gandhi[*], Karsandas Gandhi[*]
Premios Time Person of the Year[*], Order of the Companions of O. R. Tambo[*], Queen's South Africa Medal[*], Natal Native Rebellion Medal[*], Kaisar-i-Hind Medal[*]
Lingua Hindi, anglese, Gujarati, Odia[*], Marathi
ISNI 0000000121386043
VIAF 71391324
IMDB nm0003987
Commons Mohandas K. Gandhi

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi "Mahatma" (sanscrito: grande anima) (devanagari: मोहनदास करमचन्द गांधी, gujarati મોહનદાસ કરમચંદ ગાંધી) (2 de octobre 1869 - 30 de januario 1948) esseva un del patres fundatores del stato de India. Su philosophia advocava le pacifismo como forma de revolution, lo que se cognosce como: social-pacifismo.

Gandhi adjutava a obtener le independentia de India ab Grande Britannia, inspirante altere colonias a travaliar pro lor independentia e finalmente dismantelar le Imperio Britannic reimplaciante lo per le Commonwealth. Le principio de Gandhi de satyagraha (sanscrito: veritate + via), ha inspirate generationes de activistas pro-democratia e anti-racista como Martin Luther King, Jr. et Nelson Mandela. Alcun vices ille exprimeva que su valores esseva simple: veritate et non-violentia.

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