Keanggotaan gereja dalam Kekristenan adalah keadaan seseorang yang memasuki kongregasi gereja lokal, yang dalam kebanyakan kasus, membuat seseorang menjadi anggota denominasi gereja dan Gereja Kristen universal.[2][3] Para teolog Kristen mengaharkan agar keanggotaan gereja sejalan dengan Alkitab.[4][5] Proses menjadi anggota gereja beragam tergantung pada denominasi Kristen. Orang-orang yang bersiap untuk menjadi anggota penuh dari sebuah gereja banyak dikenal sebagai katekumen, kandidat atau probationer tergantung pada denominasi Kristen dan status sakramental seseorang.[6][7]
The traditional, liturgical observation of Easter, as practised among Roman Catholics and some Lutherans and Anglicans begins on the night of Holy Saturday with the Easter is the time when new members are initiated into the Church, and it is being revived in some other circles. Whether there are baptisms at this point or not, it is traditional for the congregation to renew the vows of their baptismal faith.
...even in these the supreme authority on all spiritual matters is, to his mind, the Church--the Church Universal, represented to the individual by the local Church of which he is a member; that local Church being represented by its bishop, presbyters and deacons.
All baptized or professing members of any local Global Methodist congregation are members of the Global Methodist Church and members of the church universal.
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