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Sembap atau edema berarti meningkatnya volume cairan di luar sel (ekstraseluler) dan di luar pembuluh darah (ekstravaskular) disertai dengan penimbunan di jaringan serosa.
^(Inggris) H Kenneth Walker, MD, W Dallas Hall, MD, dan J Willis Hurst, MD. (1990). Clinical Methods - The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia (edisi ke-3). Butterworths Publishers, a division of Reed Publishing. hlm. Chapter 29 Edema. ISBN0-409-90077-X. Diakses tanggal 2011-05-02.Pemeliharaan CS1: Banyak nama: authors list (link)
^(Inggris) H Kenneth Walker, MD, W Dallas Hall, MD, dan J Willis Hurst, MD. (1990). Clinical Methods - The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia (edisi ke-3). Butterworths Publishers, a division of Reed Publishing. hlm. Table 29.1 Clauses of Peripheral Edema. ISBN0-409-90077-X. Diakses tanggal 2011-05-02.Pemeliharaan CS1: Banyak nama: authors list (link)