Turcos Türkler | |||||||||||||||
Bandeira da Turquia | |||||||||||||||
Mapa da diáspora turca ao redor do mundo. | |||||||||||||||
População total | |||||||||||||||
~ 80 milhões | |||||||||||||||
Regiões com população significativa | |||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||
Línguas | |||||||||||||||
turco | |||||||||||||||
Religiões | |||||||||||||||
sunismo (maioria), alevismo, irreligião ou outras religiões (minoria) |
Turcos (em turco: Türkler) é, em sentido lato, o gentílico dos naturais, habitantes da Turquia,[14] ou nacionais desse país, mas também pode designar um subgrupo étnico dos povos turcos, cujos membros vivem sobretudo nos antigos territórios do Império Otomano. Têm como língua materna o turco e como principal religião o islã sunita, embora haja uma minoria do islã xiita e cristã ortodoxa.
Em 2008, o número de pessoas com ancestralidade turca (completa ou parcial) espalhadas pelo mundo era estimado entre 72 e 77 milhões, sendo 65 milhões só na Turquia.[15]
Approximately 200 million people,... speak nearly 40 Turkic languages and dialects. Turkey is the largest Turkic state, with about 60 million ethnic Turks living in its territories.
The greatest are the 65 million Turks of Turkey, who speak Turkish, a Turkic language...
Today, nearly three million ethnic Turks live in Germany, and many have raised children there.
The German census does not gather data on ethnicity, however according to estimates, somewhere between 4–7 million people with Turkish roots, or 5–9% of the population, live in Germany.
Presently (2020) more than seven million Turks live in Germany.
It is a little late to start the debate about being an immigrant country now, when already seven million Turks live in Germany.
the Dutch Turkish community... out of a population that over the years must have numbered half a million.
The Dutch government was concerned about Turkey’s reaction to the European Council’s conclusions on Cyprus, keeping in mind the presence of two million Turks in Holland and the strong business links with Turkey.
Erol kan niet voor alle twee miljoen Turken in Nederland spreken, maar hij denkt dat Beatrix wel goed ligt bij veel van zijn landgenoten.
The Netherlands, which has a total population of 17 million, contains around two million Turks,...
Here in the U.S., you can see our person-to-person relationships growing stronger each day. You can see it in the 13,000 Turkish students that are studying here in the U.S. You can see it in corporate leaders like Muhtar Kent, the CEO of Coca-Cola, and you can see it in more than one million Turkish-Americans who add to the rich culture and fabric of our country.