Łoś–Tarski preservation theorem[*][[Łoś–Tarski preservation theorem |]] Knaster–Tarski theorem[*][[Knaster–Tarski theorem (theorem)|]] Tarski's theorem[*][[Tarski's theorem (theorem equivalent to the Axiom of Choice)|]] teorema Tarski[*] Tarski–Seidenberg theorem[*][[Tarski–Seidenberg theorem (theorem in mathematical logic)|]] Banach–Tarski paradox[*][[Banach–Tarski paradox (theorem that there exists a decomposition of a unit solid ball into a finite number of disjoint subsets, which can be put back together in a different way to yield two identical copies of the unit sphere)|]] Lindenbaum–Tarski algebra[*][[Lindenbaum–Tarski algebra (algebra of the operations on a logical theory up to equivalence)|]] Jónsson–Tarski algebra[*][[Jónsson–Tarski algebra |]] semantic theory of truth[*][[semantic theory of truth (in the philosophy of language, a theory of truth holding that truth is a property of sentences)|]] Tarski's axioms[*][[Tarski's axioms (first-order axiomatization of a fragment of Euclidean geometry)|]] Tarski's axiomatization of the reals[*][[Tarski's axiomatization of the reals |]] Tarski's circle-squaring problem[*][[Tarski's circle-squaring problem (mathematical problem)|]] Tarski's exponential function problem[*][[Tarski's exponential function problem |]] Tarski's high school algebra problem[*][[Tarski's high school algebra problem (Mathematical problem)|]] Tarski–Kuratowski algorithm[*][[Tarski–Kuratowski algorithm |]] Tarski monster group[*][[Tarski monster group (infinite group whose proper nontrivial subgroup are all cyclic groups, whose orders all equal a fixed prime number)|]] Tarski's plank problem[*][[Tarski's plank problem (mathematical problem)|]]
Contribuțiile sale sunt notabile și pentru filozofie, prin studiul semanticii, mai exact prin metoda de formalizare a relațiilor dintre expresia și obiectul pe care acestea le denotă. În domeniul logicii contribuția sa majoră a fost aprofundarea adevărului în relație cu un limbaj logic formalizat.