Staphylus[*][[Staphylus (son of Dionysus in Greek mythology)|]] Oenopion[*][[Oenopion (mythical character, son of Ariadne with Dionysus or Theseus)|]] Thoas[*][[Thoas (mythical king of Tauris)|]] Thoas[*][[Thoas (a character in ancient Greek mythology, son of Dionysus)|]] Ceramus[*][[Ceramus (mythical figure, gave name to Cerameicus)|]] Peparethus[*][[Peparethus (mythical son of Ariadne)|]] Evanthes[*][[Evanthes (mythical son of Oenopion or Dionysus)|]] Latramys[*][[Latramys (son of Dionysus in Greek mythology)|]] Evmédon[*][[Evmédon (Greek mythological figure, son of Dionysus and Ariadne)|]] Q131929642[*]
Europa[1][2] Perse[*][[Perse (Oceanid (one of the three thousand daughters of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys), and the wife of the Sun god, Helios)|]]
Phaedra[*][[Phaedra (wife of Theseus in Greek mythology)|]] Eurymedon[*][[Eurymedon (mythical son of Minos)|]] Catreus[*][[Catreus (king of Crete and a son of Minos and Pasiphaë)|]]
Ariadna este, în mitologia greacă, o prințesă din Creta, de la care a rămas celebra expresie de firul Ariadnei, precum și mitul labirintului, sintagme de referință utilizate pentru a oferi diverse conotații.