Druzii (arabă: درزي, durzī, plural دروز, durūz[17]) sunt membrii unui group etno-religios arabofon din Asia Anterioară, al cărui cult s-a desprins în secolul al XI-lea din ramura ismailită a islamulșiit.[18][19] Ei se autointitulează „unitarieni” (muwahhidun) sau Bney Maaruf - „fiii Grației” (divine) (بني معروف).[20]
^Carl Skutsch (). Skutsch, Carl, ed. Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities. Routledge. p. 410. ISBN978-1-135-19388-1. Total Population: 800,000
^Robert Brenton Betts (). The Druze (ed. illustrated, reprint, revised). Yale University Press. p. 55. ISBN978-0-300-04810-0. The total population of Druze throughout the world probably approaches one million.
^Donna Marsh (). Doing Business in the Middle East: A cultural and practical guide for all Business Professionals (ed. revised). Hachette UK. ISBN978-1-4721-3567-4. It is believed there are no more than 1 million Druze worldwide; most live in the Levant.
^Samy Swayd (). Historical Dictionary of the Druzes (ed. 2). Rowman & Littlefield. p. 3. ISBN978-1-4422-4617-1. The Druze world population at present is perhaps nearing two million; ...