Governo Andreotti VI[*][[Governo Andreotti VI (47th government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo Andreotti VII[*][[Governo Andreotti VII (48th government of the Italian Republic)|]]
În funcție –
Governo Andreotti I[*][[Governo Andreotti I (27th government of the Italian Republic)|]]
ministro per i beni culturali e ambientali della Repubblica Italiana
În funcție –
Governo Andreotti VII[*][[Governo Andreotti VII (48th government of the Italian Republic)|]]
În funcție –
Governo Andreotti V[*][[Governo Andreotti V (35th government of the Italian Republic)|]]
Governo Andreotti VI[*][[Governo Andreotti VI (47th government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo Andreotti VII[*][[Governo Andreotti VII (48th government of the Italian Republic)|]]
Governo Andreotti III[*][[Governo Andreotti III (33rd government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo Andreotti IV[*][[Governo Andreotti IV (34th government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo Andreotti V[*][[Governo Andreotti V (35th government of the Italian Republic)|]]
Governo Andreotti I[*][[Governo Andreotti I (27th government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo Andreotti II[*][[Governo Andreotti II (28th government of the Italian Republic)|]]
Governo Craxi I[*][[Governo Craxi I (42nd government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo Craxi II[*][[Governo Craxi II (43rd government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo Fanfani VI[*][[Governo Fanfani VI (44th government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo Goria[*][[Governo Goria (45th government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo De Mita[*][[Governo De Mita (46th government of the Italian Republic)|]]
Governo Andreotti V[*][[Governo Andreotti V (35th government of the Italian Republic)|]]
În funcție –
Governo Andreotti V[*][[Governo Andreotti V (35th government of the Italian Republic)|]]
În funcție –
Governo Moro IV[*][[Governo Moro IV (31st government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo Moro V[*][[Governo Moro V (32nd government of the Italian Republic)|]]
Governo Segni II[*][[Governo Segni II (14th government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo Tambroni[*][[Governo Tambroni (15th government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo Fanfani III[*][[Governo Fanfani III (16th government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo Fanfani IV[*][[Governo Fanfani IV (17th government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo Leone I[*][[Governo Leone I (18th government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo Moro I[*][[Governo Moro I (19th government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo Moro II[*][[Governo Moro II (20th government of the Italian Republic)|]]
Governo Moro III[*][[Governo Moro III (21st government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo Leone II[*][[Governo Leone II (22nd government of the Italian Republic)|]]
Governo Segni I[*][[Governo Segni I (11th government of the Italian Republic)|]] Governo Zoli[*][[Governo Zoli (12th government of the Italian Republic)|]]