Deianira Megara[*][[Megara (mythical wife of Heracles and daughter of Creon)|]][1] Hebe Omphale[*][[Omphale (daughter of Iardanus, in Greek mythology)|]]
Agelaus[*][[Agelaus (son of Heracles and Omphale, in Greek mythology)|]] Gelonus[*][[Gelonus (son of Heracles)|]] Alcaeus[*][[Alcaeus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Bucolus[*][[Bucolus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Antileon[*][[Antileon (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Aechmagoras[*][[Aechmagoras (Greek mythical character, son of Hercules)|]] Glenus[*][[Glenus (Son of Heracles)|]] Hyllus Hodites[*][[Hodites (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Macaria Ctesippus[*][[Ctesippus (son of Heracles by Deianira)|]] Alexiares[*][[Alexiares (son of Heracles and Hebes)|]] Anicetus[*][[Anicetus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Therimachus[*][[Therimachus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Creontiades[*][[Creontiades (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Deicoon[*][[Deicoon (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Tlepolemus[*][[Tlepolemus (mythical son of Heracles)|]][2] Telephus Olynthus[*][[Olynthus (son of Strymon in Greek mythology)|]] Promachus[*][[Promachus (son of Heracles and Psophis)|]] Sufax[*][[Sufax (Berber and Greek mythological figure)|]] Cleodaeus[*][[Cleodaeus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Dexamenus[*][[Dexamenus (son of Heracles, father of Ambrax)|]] Pandaie[*][[Pandaie (daughter of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Rhopalus[*][[Rhopalus (mythical son of Heracles and father of Phaestos)|]] Phaestus[*][[Phaestus (mythical king of Sicyon)|]] Adrastus[*][[Adrastus (Greek mythical character, father of Hipponous, committed suicide together with his son)|]] Eurypylus[*][[Eurypylus (son of Heracles)|]] Hippeus[*][[Hippeus (mythical son of Heracles)|]] Alopius[*][[Alopius (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Nephus[*][[Nephus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Eumedes[*][[Eumedes (son of Heracles)|]] Scythes[*][[Scythes (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Agathyrsus[*][[Agathyrsus (son of Heracles)|]] Medebrontes[*][[Medebrontes (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Leucippus[*][[Leucippus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Antiochus[*][[Antiochus (mythological Greek character, son of Heracles)|]] Antimachus[*][[Antimachus (son of Heracles in Greek myth)|]] Echephron[*][[Echephron (mythical son of Heracles and Psophis)|]] Iobes[*][[Iobes (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Thessalus[*][[Thessalus (Greek mythical character, son of Heracles)|]][3] Acheles[*][[Acheles (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Hyllus[*][[Hyllus (son of Heracles and Melite in Greek mythology)|]] Anton[*][[Anton (son of Heracles and ancestor of the Roman gens Antonia)|]] Aceles[*][[Aceles (son of Heracles and eponym of Akeles in Lydia)|]] Atys[*][[Atys (second king of Maeonia and father of Lydus)|]] Bargasus[*][[Bargasus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Eucleia[*][[Eucleia (Greek mythological figure)|]] Keltos[*][[Keltos (mythical daughter of Heracles and Celtine)|]] Erythras[*][[Erythras (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Afer[*][[Afer (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Antiades[*][[Antiades (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Anicetus[*][[Anicetus (son of Heracles and Megara in Greek mythology)|]] Amathes[*][[Amathes (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Amestrius[*][[Amestrius (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Antilochus[*][[Antilochus (mythical son of Heracles)|]] Archemachus[*][[Archemachus (mythical son of Heracles)|]] Astyanax[*][[Astyanax (child of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Brentus[*][[Brentus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Brettus[*][[Brettus (mythical son of Heracles)|]] Buleus[*][[Buleus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Camirus[*][[Camirus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Cleolaus[*][[Cleolaus (mythical son of Heracles)|]] Erasippus[*][[Erasippus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Lamus[*][[Lamus (son of Heracles and Omphale in Greek mythology)|]] Archelous[*][[Archelous (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Aristodemus[*][[Aristodemus (mythical son of Heracles)|]] Atromus[*][[Atromus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Bdella[*][[Bdella (daughter of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Chersibius[*][[Chersibius (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Ctesippus[*][[Ctesippus (son of Heracles by Astydameia)|]] Deion[*][[Deion (son of Heracles)|]] Democoon[*][[Democoon (Greek mythology figure, son of Heracles and Megara)|]] Deucalion[*][[Deucalion (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Dynastes[*][[Dynastes (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Entelides[*][[Entelides (mythical son of Heracles with Menippis)|]] Celeustanor[*][[Celeustanor (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Carthago[*][[Carthago (daughter of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Thresippas[*][[Thresippas (Greek mythical character, son of Heracles and Panope the daughter of Thespius)|]] Polylaus[*][[Polylaus (mythological Greek character, son of Herakles)|]] Eurycapes[*][[Eurycapes (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Tigasis[*][[Tigasis (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Hippozygus[*][[Hippozygus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Onesippus[*][[Onesippus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Teles[*][[Teles (son of Heracles)|]] Nicodromus[*][[Nicodromus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Mentor[*][[Mentor (mythological son of Heracles)|]] Lynceus[*][[Lynceus (mythical son of Heracles)|]] Oestrobles[*][[Oestrobles (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Teleutagoras[*][[Teleutagoras (son of Heracles)|]] Halocrates[*][[Halocrates (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Euryops[*][[Euryops (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Patrocleus[*][[Patrocleus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Eratus[*][[Eratus (son of Heracles)|]] Eueres[*][[Eueres (mythical character, son of Heracles)|]] Evenus[*][[Evenus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Euryteles[*][[Euryteles (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Fabius[*][[Fabius (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Galates[*][[Galates (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Glanus[*][[Glanus (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Glycisonetes[*][[Glycisonetes (son of Heracles in Greek mythology)|]] Tyrsenus[*][[Tyrsenus (mythical son of Heracles and a Lydian)|]] Laomenes[*][[Laomenes (son of Heracles)|]] Astybies[*][[Astybies (son of Heracles)|]] Archedicus[*][[Archedicus (son of Heracles by Eurypyle)|]] Antiphus[*][[Antiphus (son of Heracles by Laothoe)|]] Leucones[*][[Leucones (son of Heracles by Aeschreis)|]] Olympus[*][[Olympus (son of Heracles by Euboea)|]] Hipponous[*][[Hipponous (Greek mythical character, son of Heracles)|]] Poemen[*][[Poemen (mythological Greek character, son of Heracles and Dardanis)|]] Terpsicrates[*][[Terpsicrates (son of Heracles and Euryope according to Apollodorus, Library 1.164)|]]
Heracle (în greacă vecheἩρακλῆς, Hēraklēs), cunoscut și sub numele de Hercule în limba română (din latinăHercules), născut Alcaeus sau Alcide, este cel mai cunoscut erou din mitologia greacă, neîntrecut în forță și vitejie și care, după moarte, a fost primit în rândul zeilor devenind astfel nemuritor.
Grecii antici sărbătoreau festivalul Heracleea, care comemora moartea lui Heracle, în a doua zi a lunii Metageitnion (sfârșitul lunii iulie sau începutul lui august).