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Berlin Waw

Berlin Wall, wi graffiti

The Berlin Waw (German: Berliner Mauer) separatit the ceety o Berlin in Germany frae 1961 tae 1989. It separatit the eastren hauf frae the wastren hauf. Mony fowk thocht it wis a seembol o the Cauld War. The Berlin Waw wis taen doun on 9 November 1989.[1][2] The Berlin Waw wis aboot 168 km (104 mile) lang.[3] It wis biggit tae stap fowk frae escapin frae the eastren hauf o Berlin.

Efter Germany split intae Wast an East Germany in 1949, 2.6 million East Germans left tae gang tae Wast Germany. In Berlin alane, 1.6 million fowk flit tae the wast.[4] Tae stap this, on 13 August 1961, the Communist govrenment o East Germany biggit a waw separatin East an Wast Berlin.

In the late 1980s, Mikhail Gorbachev said that the Soviet Union wouldna uise the Reid Airmy tae stap the fowk o Eastern an Middle Europe frae chyngin thair govrenment. Efter he said that, several kintras began tae chynge the wey thay governit thair fowk. Hungary openit its mairch an fowk frae East Germany began muivin tae the wast throu Hungary.

In Juin 1987, Preses o the Unitit States, Ronald Reagan spoke at the waw tae challengit Gorbachev tae "Tear doun this waw!".

In October 1989, mass demonstrations agin the govrenment in East Germany began. The lang-time leader, Erich Honecker, resignit an wis replacit bi Egon Krenz a few days later. Honecker haed predictit in Januar 1989 that the waw wad staund for a "hunner mair year" gif the condeetions whilk haed causit its construction didnae cheenge. This didna turn oot tae be true.

In November, 1989, the Central Committee o East Germany decidit tae mak it easier for East Germans tae pass throu the waw. A mistak bi the press officer meant the mairch wis openit several oors afore it should hae been. Millions o East German ceetizens celebratit the openin o the waw. Mony collectit souvenirs wi chisels an some telly stations filmit fowk hittin the waw wi sledge hammers.

  1. "Freedom! The Berlin Wall - TIME". time.com. 2011. Archived frae the original on 25 August 2013. Retrieved 19 Februar 2011.
  2. "Fall of Communism". future.state.gov. 2011. Archived frae the original on 6 Julie 2015. Retrieved 19 Februar 2011.
  3. Berlin illustrated Newspaper of 3rd October 1990 (special edition), p. 113
  4. Volker Viergutz: Die Berliner Mauer 1961-1989, Berlin Story Verlag, 2007, ISBN 3-929829-70-3, p.36

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