Black metal (or Blek Metal) is an extreme kynd o hivy metal muisic. Common traits is fest tempos, skreicht vocals, heichlie distortit guitars pley'd wi tremolo poukin, blast baet drummin, raw recordin, an unconventional sang makup.
Durin the 1980s, a whein o thrash metal baunds shapit a prototyp for black metal. This "first wave" included baunds sic as Venom, Bathory, Hellhammer, Celtic Frost an Sarcófago.[1] A "seicont wave" cam aboot in the aerlie 1990s, spearheidit bi Norse baunds sic as Mayhem, Burzum, Darkthrone, Immortal an Emperor. Thon muisic scene fordert the black metal styl intil a distink genre.
Black metal has aften been met wi ill-will frae mainstream cultur, maistilins due til the misanthropic an anti-Kristian staundpynt o monie airtists. Mair ootower, a whein o the genre's pioneers hae been linkit wi kirk brennins, murther or Neo-Nazism. For thir reasons an ithers, black metal is aft seen as an "unnergrund" kynd o muisic.