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Buddhism is a releegion an philosophy foondit on the teachins o the Buddha, Siddhārtha Gautama, a speeritual leader that leeved fae aboot 563 tae 483 BCE in whit's noo Nor-east India an Nepal.[1] Wi aboot 500 million folliers, Buddhism is conseedert a major warld releegion, wi aboot 7% o the warld's population.[2] Onlike maist ither releegions, Buddhism isnae centered on a creator Goad.
Fae its origins in India, Buddhism spread tae Sri Lanka, Sootheast Asia, Nepal, Tibet, Central Asia, China, Mongolie, Korea, Japan, an noo haes mony folliers in Europe an in North and Sooth Americae.
Buddhism haes twa main forms: Theravada, fund in Sri Lanka an Sootheast Asia, an Mahayana, fund in East Asia (China, Korea, Japan an Vietnam), Tibet, Western China, Mongolia, Bhutan, pairts of India, Nepal an Russia.[3]