A Burgh is an autonomous corporate entity, for ordinar a toun, an haes been in uiss in Scotland syne the 12t century. Recogneetion o burgh status houaniver haes little mair nor ceremonial vailie.
The heid o a burgh is cried a Provost. Maist ryal burghs hauds the teetle for ceremonial purposes, wi the merkit exception o the Scots ceeties.
Burghs haed richts tae representation in the Pairlament o Scotland. Unner the Acts o Union 1707 mony becam pairliamentary burghs, representit in the Pairliament o Great Breetain.
Unner the Reform Act o 1832, 32 year efter the mellin o the Pairliament o Great Breetain intae the Pairliament o the Unitit Kinrick, the burgh boonds for pariliamentary elections wisna necessar their boonds for ither purposes.
Whan Scots coonty councils wis shaped unner the Local Government (Scotland) Act o 1889 burghs wis awreadies important in the local government o Scotland. Coonty cooncils an burgh cooncils wis baith abolished unner the Local Government (Scotland) Act o 1973, that shaped a new seestem o regions an destricts an island cooncil areas.